What is ludomania and how a person becomes dependent on Betting
The term “Ludomania” comes from two words – Latin “Ludo”, which means “play”, and the ancient Greek “μανία”, which translates as “madness”. Based on this, we can understand that we are talking about a crazy, unhealthy need to put. Have you ever seen an alcoholic or a drug addict? Or maybe they themselves were in these terrible states?
A person “breaks”, shakes, he swears, turns pale, perhaps he understands that he needs to quit all this, but he cannot do anything with himself because of a terrible desire to drink or take drugs. To do this, he is ready to sacrifice absolutely everyone, including money, a family, a person sells things, and sometimes goes to a crime. Alcoholics and drug addicts rob, kill for the sake of dose and cannot quit drinking or taking drugs.
Signs and symptoms of gambling development
On what signs can you find in yourself or others too painful desire to engage in bets.
You constantly think about how you will play. Because of this, all the rest, more important matters, including communication with friends, family, are replaced. At work, you constantly lose concentration or completely throw it. There is a constant, painful analysis of a particular situation in the game. But a healthy person can quickly switch from one topic to another. He clearly knows how much time it costs to devote to bets, and how many to other matters.
And the patient, even when communicating with friends, family and at work, thinks about betting.
Constant irritation, anxiety, bouts of anger, sleep disturbance. Again, all this is reflected in friends and family, who are absolutely not to blame. Alcoholics often beat and in every possible way mock members of their family (for example, the son beats his mother, husband to his wife and so on). Those who cannot get rid of the desire to make bets may reach the same condition. Yes, this does not happen immediately, but gradually. First, a random breakdown, then a new one, after the next loss of violence and this process cannot be stopped!
Increase the frequency of the bet. If you wake up early to enter the game room, and fall asleep with your thoughts only about this (or even do not sleep at all), this is a dangerous signal. Then you will begin to devote every free minute to play. Of course, there is no mention of any pre -match analysis that we are constantly talking about.
The most important feature is that you cannot stop and not make bets.
To check exactly if you have any degree of dependence, try not to bet for a week or two. If you survive this time calmly, you will not constantly think about betting, everything is fine with you. The classical situation is a person who smokes proudly claims that he can quit at any time, but for 10-20 years he smokes a pack of cigarettes per day, and every day his need is only growing. The same thing happens with those who suffer from gambling. Prove in fact the lack of addiction!
You spend too much money on betting. People take loans (sometimes even microcredits, which is terrible due to the fact that they will have to pay much more), get into debt, and eventually sell things when there are no more funds. All this is absolutely unacceptable! You need to understand that bets can both bring income and lead to loss of money. And this fact should not be too painful for you.
What consequences does such attachment lead to
The above symptoms of Ludomania lead to the following consequences:
- loss of social contacts, that is, you will stop communicating with friends, family, but only you will sit at home, opening the site of the bookmaker over and over again;
- The destruction of the family (maybe not because of violence, but simply because of disagreements and the complete absence of both emotional and physical proximity);
- loss of health, both mental (up to depression, which can only be cope with medication) and physical (losing weight, problems with the digestive system due to constant stress and sleep disturbance);
- Bankruptcy – there will simply be no money left not only for bets, but also to pay for utilities, food, clothes and other elementary needs, this often leads to the next item of this list;
- criminal offenses, problems with the law, administrative punishment or imprisonment, and in most cases, family members and absolutely random people suffer from this;
- Obtaining temporary pleasure only from winning at rates and nothing else (but this joy disappears very quickly, and next time you will need to win more).